VET Academy is an opportunity for outgoing military professionals to develop the career tools they need to apply for their first civilian jobs. Developed by Fusion Cell, this free program instructs on foundational elements such as the importance of higher education, entrepreneurship opportunities, and the job application process.  

But Why Fusion Cell?

According to the USAA and SHRM Foundation, about 200,000 service members enter the civilian world every year. That’s around 600 individuals EVERY DAY! While almost all veterans have both the hard and soft skills required by both blue and white-collar jobs, both the applicants and the job employers seem to have a disconnect on how to apply and interview for these jobs. That’s where VET Academy comes into play. 

With our brand new Teachable course in partnership with Empower Employ, featuring six easy-to-implement steps, we decode resume-building, navigate the interview process, and offer tips and tricks to give military professionals the edge in promoting themselves in the workforce. After completing the classes, students can directly connect with our career agents to get their toes in the water of applying. 

And the best part? It’s completely FREE to sign up.